International opportunities for students

Who can apply?

UniTrento students enrolled in the 1st year of the master's degree course in:
  • Letterature Euroamericane, Traduzione e Critica Letteraria - LM 37 with major in English/Spanish
  • with an average of 24/30
  • with knowledge of the Spanish language at level B2
Complete information and updates must be checked on the UniTrento call and on the partner website.

Why Jaén?

Jaén is a university town in Andalusia and has around 113,000 inhabitants. About 11,000 students are enrolled at the University of Jaén. The ideal environment to study in a profitable way and create a dense network of friendships and collaborations
Students at UJA will be able to choose between one of two paths:

  • Especialidad en Enseñanza del Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) - for those who intend to specialize in teaching the Spanish language
  • Especialidad en Estudios Literarios - for those who intend to specialize in Spanish literature  

What is the added value?

Participation in the Double Degree program allows you to diversify and enrich your university education, acquire different study methods and achieve high skills in the foreign language.

In Italy and abroad, a double degree is always an added value. Not only the experts say it, it is enough to consult the job offers to realize that companies and organizations are looking for international profiles and open-minded, able to work in multiculturalism and face ever new global challenges: these are the workers of the future.

What are the requirements at the time of departure?

  • Enrollment in the second year of the master's degree (see above)
  • Knowledge of the Spanish language at B2 level
  • exam average of 24/30 (GPA)

These requirements will be checked before departure, approximately between August and early September.

How long does mobility abroad take?

2 semesters (60 credits), starting from September.

Study plan

NB Some exams of the 2nd year must be anticipated to the 1st year (see download box). The study plan must be agreed with their academic representatives at UniTrento and at the partner University on the basis of the model study plan in the downloads.

In which language?



The thesis work is carried out under the supervision of lecturers from both institutions and discussed at the University of Jaén.

Tuition fees

Students participating in the double degree program are required to pay university fees only at UniTrento. They will have to pay though the amount of 176 euros for the issueing of the degree by Jaén.

Educational qualification

At the end of the double degree program, UniTrento students obtain two second-level diplomas:
  • from UJA: "Màster Universitario en Lengua Española y Literatura: Investigación y Aplicaciones Profesionales" 
  • from UniTrento: "Laurea Magistrale in Letterature euroamericane, traduzione e critica letteraria, LM-37"