International opportunities for students

In this webpage you will find the open selection calls for participating in the following international mobility programmes: Erasmus+ for study, Bilateral Agreements, Double Degree, Thesis research abroad, Traineeship abroad, Call for College de France.

International Opportunities for students of Laurea, Laurea Magistrale and PhD students 

Traineeship in Erasmus+ countries, UK and Switzerland - OPEN


This programme offers the opportunity to do a student traineeship or a post-graduation traineeship in countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme, in the UK or in Switzerland. 
Traineeships which meet the requirements will be funded with the available resources. 

Application deadline

 30 September 2024

General requirements

When submitting your application you must:

  • be enrolled in one of UniTrento Bachelor's, Master's or PhD programmes (for PhD student this means not being in the “suspension” status). 
  • If you are enrolled in single courses at the time of application, you must be enrolled in one of the aforementioned programmes when you start the internship. 
  • If 2023/2024 is the 1st year beyond the standard duration of your course, the internship must start no later than 31 July 2024.
  • have at least B1 level-knowledge (see the CEFR levels for reference) of the required foreign language in all 4 language skills. Check how you can certify your language level on the Table of language level (PDF 84 KB);
  • have a GPA registered on Esse3 equal to or higher than 24/30;
  • have the minimum number of credits mentioned on the Table of supervisors and minimum CFU required (.XLS 38,2KB) already registered on Esse3;
  • upload in your online application the letter of acceptance (Word 40KB) from your host organisation and the letter of motivation (Word 40,4 KB) signed by your UNITN supervisor. You are not sure who that is? Consult the Table of supervisors at the point above.

Further requirements for post-graduation internships:

  • submit your application before the date of your graduation;
  • start the internship after your graduation;
  • end the internship within 12 months from the graduation date.

Applications are not admissible from:

  • students enrolled in EIT, EMBS, IMSISS, LCT Erasmus Mundus courses, Double Degree incoming;
  • students who already carried out their internship or whose internship is considered supernumerary ("sovrannumerario") with respect to the credits required to obtain the final degree;
  • students enrolled in the 2nd beyond the standard duration of your programme (2nd year "fuori corso" and beyond). 

 In case you want to carry out the whole internship remotely or in case you do not meet the requirements mentioned above, contact UniTrento JobGuidance Office (jobguidance [at]

Programme page

Traineeship in Erasmus+ countries 

Application tool

Application for traineeship in Erasmus+ countries, UK or Switzerland 

Suggestion for researching

You have to find the host institution yourself.
Here are the destinations of previous traineeships

Rovereto Departments

Povo Departments 

City Departments


Traineeship offers from UniTrento partner Institutions in Europe

Traineeship offers from other contacts (GDrive folder) in Europe

Traineeship offers from other contacts (GDrive folder) out of Europe

Within Digital Opportunity Traineeships the EU encourages traineeships in digital skills (ex. development of application, software, script, web construction, data analysis, cyber security, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and so on) available at

Application results

August 2024_Application results_Erasmus+, UK, Switzerland 

Traineeship in non-European countries - OPEN


This programme allows you to do your student traineeship or a post-graduation traineeship in non-European countries.
Traineeships in non-European countries are not funded.

Application deadline

 30 September 2024 

General requirements  

When submitting your application you must:

  • be enrolled in one of UniTrento Bachelor's, Master's or PhD programmes (for PhD student this means not being in the “suspension” status). 
    - If you are enrolled in single courses at the time of application, you must be enrolled in one of the aforementioned programmes when you start the internship. 
    - If 2023/2024 is the 1st year beyond the standard duration of your course, the internship must start no later than 31 July 2024.
  • have at least B1 level-knowledge (see the CEFR levels for reference) of the required foreign language in all 4 language skills. Check how you can certify your language level on the Table of language level (PDF 84 KB);
  • have a GPA registered on Esse3 equal to or higher than 24/30;
  • have the minimum number of credits mentioned on the Table of supervisors and minimum CFU required (.XLS 38,2KB) already registered on Esse3;
  • upload in your online application the letter of acceptance (Word 40KB) from your host organisation and the letter of motivation (Word 40,4 KB) signed by your UNITN supervisor. You are not sure who that is? Consult the Table of supervisors at the point above.

Further requirements for post-graduation internships:

  • submit your application before the date of your graduation;
  • start the internship after your graduation;
  • end the internship within 12 months from the graduation date.

Applications are not admissible from:

  • students enrolled in EIT, EMBS, IMSISS, LCT Erasmus Mundus courses, Double Degree incoming;
  • students who already carried out their internship or whose internship is considered supernumerary ("sovrannumerario") with respect to the credits required to obtain the final degree;
  • students enrolled in the 2nd beyond the standard duration of your programme (2nd year "fuori corso" and beyond). 

In case you want to carry out the whole internship remotely or in case you do not meet the requirements mentioned above, contact UniTrento JobGuidance Office (jobguidance [at]

Programme pages

Traineeship in non-European countries (mobilities to Russia and Ukraine are suspended)

Application tool

Application for traineeship in non-European countries 

Suggestion for researching

Some suggestions: see the destinations of previous traineeships

Rovereto Departments

Povo Departments 

City Departments


Traineeship offers from UniTrento partner Institutions in Europe

Traineeship offers from other contacts (GDrive folder) in Europe

Traineeship offers from other contacts (GDrive folder) out of Europe

Within Digital Opportunity Traineeship initiative, EU encourages traineeships in digital skills (ex. development of application, software, script, web construction, data analysis, cyber security, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and so on) available at

Application results

Application results_August 2024

Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) - OPEN


Call at the programme page.

ECIU University Challenges and Micro-modules - OPEN


Call at the programme page.

Erasmus+ Study 2024/2025 - CLOSED

Description     Students' selection to allocate scholarships for mobility in the a.y. 2024/2025 in partner Universities in the framework of the Erasmus+ Study Programme. During the mobility period, students and PhD students can carry out training and didactic activities at the partner destinations listed in the Attachments 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d. 
Application deadline 31st January 2024 at noon (Italian time)
Application Tool online application
Call Erasmus+ call 2024/25 (Italian version)
Erasmus+ call 2024/25- English Version - courtesy translation (Note: the Italian version is the binding one)

Annex 1A: Destinations for the Social Sciences and Humanities area

Annex 1B: Destinations for the Science and Technology area

Annex 1C: Destinations for the Cognitive Science Area

Annex 1D: Destinations for Medical Sciences Area


Attachment 2: study project

Attachment 3: thesis research project

Attachment 4: Phd research project

International Opportunities for students of Laurea and Laurea Magistrale

Bilateral Agreements programme - A.Y. 2024/2025 - CLOSED


Students' selection to allocate scholarships for mobility in the a.y. 2023/2024 in Non European partner Universities in the framework of the Bilateral Agreements Programme. During the mobility period, students can carry out didactic activities at the partner destinations listed in Attachment 1.

Application deadline

31st January 2024 at noon (Italian time)

Call and courtesy translation

Bilateral Agreements Italian call for applications

Courtesy translation Call for Bilateral Agreements (Note: Italian version is the binding one) 


Annex 1 Destinations (Note: Italian version is the binding one)

NOTICE: Annex 1 - modified - Italian version - students from the Economics and Management Depart. can also apply for Douglas College (Canada) and students from the CIMeC - Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences can also apply for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Annex 2 Indication for Video Presentation

Application tool

Available here 


Ranking list

Double Degree Programme - A.Y. 2024/2025 - CLOSED



Students' selection to allocate positions and scholarships for mobility in the framework of the Double Degree Programme in the a.y. 2024/2025. During the mobility period, students can carry out didactic activities to obtain two titles at UniTrento and at the Partner University listed in Attachments 1A and 1B.

Application deadline

31st January 2024 at noon (Italian time)

Application Tool

Online application

Call and courtesy translation

Double degree call 2024/25 (Italian version)
English Version - courtesy translation (Note: the Italian version is the binding one)


Annex 1A: Destinations for the Social Sciences and Humanities area
Annex 1B: Destinations for the Science and Technology area


Department of Humanities - interviews

Department of Sociology and Social Research - interviews

Science and Technology Area - Interviews

School of International Studies - Interviews_amendment


Ranking Partner Universities of the Department of Economics and Management

Ranking Partner Universities of the Department of Humanities

Ranking Partner Universities of the Department of Sociology and Social Research

Ranking Partner Universities of the School of International Studies

Ranking Partner Universities Science and Technology Area

Thesis Research abroad 2024/25 - MONTHLY DEADLINE - OPEN


The University of Trento offers to its students the opportunity of international mobility for thesis research/final examination abroad for a minimum of 3-months in universities or institutes selected by the student (an acceptance letter is required).

Eligible candidates

Graduating students of Laurea/Laurea Magistrale/Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico


 30 September 2024 (check information on timing on the Programme web page). 

Academic requirements

  • to start the mobility before the 31st of July of the first year beyond the normal duration of the Degree Course ("primo anno fuori corso"); 
  • possess a B1 Level of the language of destination;

  • have at least 144ECTS for students enrolled in the Laurea, 240ECTS for students enrolled in the Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico, 70ECTS for students enrolled in the Laurea Magistrale, at least 60ECTS for students enrolled in the Master's degree in Physics. 


Programme web page


Proposals from other sources (GDrive folder, please access it with your unitn credentials)
If interested in any of the topics proposed in this folder, candidates should contact the hosting institution directly.

Application tool

Application tool (The application tool for mobilities starting from August 2024 will be available by mid-June)

Due to security concerns, mobility to Ukraine, Russia and Israel are temporarily suspended.

Outcome of applications

Outcome of applications August 2024

CEILS Call for selection for fast track accesso to LLMs of Utrecht University - A.Y. 2024/2025 - CLOSED


In compliance with the LLM Educational Programme 1 agreement between Utrecht University and the University of Trento, the University of Trento indicts for the academic year 2024/2025 a selection based on qualifications in order to shortlist candidates for fast track access positions for each of the following LLMs programmes offered at Utrecht University:

  • European Law
  • European Criminal Justice in a Global Context
  • Law and Technology in Europe
  • Public International Law
  • Law and Economics
  • Law and Sustainability in Europe

Application deadline

January 10th, 2024 h 12 PM (Italian time)

Application online

Available here


CEILS Call for selection for fast track access to LLMs of Utrecht University - a.y. 2024/25

Attachment 1_Statement of Purpose

Attachment 2_Contact details


Ranking list 2024/2025

Please note that:
1. The winning candidates must send by Monday 30 January 2024 at 12.00 (noon) confirmation of participation and, in the event of successful placement/admission to more than one Master's course, indication of the chosen course by e-mail to info.ceils [at]
2. Any withdrawal from the programme after the aforementioned date, unless justified by proven health reasons, will result in automatic exclusion from similar calls for applications promoted by the Faculty of Law, as per Article 7.3 of the Call of Admission.
3. All candidates who, for whatever reason, choose to renounce their position in the ranking list are invited to communicate their renunciation promptly by e-mail to info.ceils [at]
4. Eligible candidates will be informed as soon as possible in the event of a change in the ranking list.

Double Degree Masaryk University - A.Y. 2024/2025 - CLOSED


Selection in the framework of the Double Degree programme for the academic year 2024/2025, for students of the School of International Studies, master's degree in European and International Studies. 2 scholarships available, mobility at Masaryk University Brno - Czech Republic.

Application deadline

15th February 2024 at noon (Italian time)

Application Tool

Online application

Call and courtesy translation

Double degree Masaryk University call 2024/25 (Italian version)
English Version - courtesy translation (Note: the Italian version is the binding one)


School of International Studies - Interviews_amendment

Traineeship abroad programme for students in Erasmus+ countries - CLOSED


The programme offers the opportunity to do a traineeship as a student in countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme.
Please note that these internships are not funded.

Application deadline

 31 OCTOBER 2023

General requirements

When submitting your application, you must:

Applications are not admissible from:

  • students enrolled in EIT Digital, EMBS, IMSISS, LCT Erasmus Mundus courses;
  • students enrolled in PhD courses;
  • students whose career lacks credits that can be recognised as internship, that is: in case of internship already carried out or planned as supernumerary ("sovrannumerario") with respect to the credits needed to obtain the degree for your course of study;
  • students who have already done their thesis research abroad in an institution and would like to do an internship abroad in the same institution;
  • students who have already undertaken or are undertaking an internship mobility in the current academic year as recent graduates and are applying for an internship as students enrolled in another course of study;
  • students enrolled in the 2nd beyond the standard duration of your programme (2nd year "fuori corso" and beyond). In the case of students who are in their first year beyond the standard duration of the programme (1st year "fuori corso"), it is necessary to start the internship by July 31, otherwise they will be excluded from the programme.

This call is just for physical mobilities or "blended" mobilities, that is virtual+physical. In case you want to carry out the whole internship remotely or in case you do not meet the requirements mentioned above, you can contact UniTrento JobGuidance Office (jobguidance [at]

Erasmus+ Programme page

Traineeship in Erasmus+ countries 

Application tool

Use the application form for traineeship abroad in Erasmus+ countries 

Suggestion for researching

Some suggestions: see the destinations of previous traineeships

Rovereto Departments

Povo Departments 

City Departments

Traineeship offers from UniTrento partner Institutions in Europe

Traineeship offers from other contacts (GDrive folder) in Europe

Traineeship offers from other contacts (GDrive folder) out of Europe

Within Digital Opportunity Traineeship initiative, EU encourages traineeships in digital skills (ex. development of application, software, script, web construction, data analysis, cyber security, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and so on) available at

Application results

September 2023_Application results

Traineeship abroad programme for recent graduates - CLOSED


UniTrento offers the opportunity to go abroad for a traineeship as a recent graduate either in countries participating in the Erasmus+ programme or in non-European countries.

Application deadline

 31 OCTOBER 2023

General requirements

When submitting your application, you must

The application must be sent while you are still a student, i.e. no later than the day before graduation, otherwise you will be excluded from the programme.

The conditions for mobility are:

  • start the traineeship after the date of graduation;
  • finish the traineeship within 12 months from the date of graduation;
  • start the internship within 31 July of the 1st year beyond the standard duration of your programme (1st year "fuori corso");

Please see further requirements on the programme pages.

Please note: this call is for physical or virtual+physical mobilities, known as "blended". For internships entirely carried out remotely, please refer to UniTrento JobGuidance Office at jobguidance [at]

Programme pages

Traineeship in Erasmus+ countries 

Traineeship in extra European countries (mobilities to Russia and Ukraine are suspended)

Application tool

You have to apply online using the application form for Traineeship abroad as recent graduates

Suggestion for researching

Some suggestions: see the destinations of previous traineeships

Rovereto Departments

Povo Departments 

City Departments

Traineeship offers from UniTrento partner Institutions in Europe

Traineeship offers from other contacts (GDrive folder) in Europe

Traineeship offers from other contacts (GDrive folder) out of Europe

Within Digital Opportunity Traineeship initiative, EU encourages traineeships in digital skills (ex. development of application, software, script, web construction, data analysis, cyber security, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and so on) available at

Candidates admitted to the programme

Applications results October 2023

International Opportunities for PhD Students and Postdocs

Call for College de France (A.Y. 2023/2024) - CLOSED


Student selection call to allocate up to 3 mobility scholarships for a one-month research period at the Collège de France (France).

Eligible candidates

PhD students and Research Fellows (Assegnisti di Ricerca) at the University of Trento


2 November 2023 (12:00 noon CET)

Call and attachments

Call for Applications Collège de France 2023-2024

Attachment 1 - Application Form Collège de France 2023-2024

Attachment 2 - Acceptance Form Collège de France 2023-2024

Ranked Selection List for Mobility to Collège de France 2023-2024

How to apply

By the above deadline, the complete application must be sent only to the UniTrento pec e-mail address (ateneo [at], by standard mail or hand-delivered to the UniTrento International Relations Division by appointment (via Verdi, 6 - 38122 Trento, Italy).

For more information or to set an appointment contact the UniTrento International Relations Division at international [at] or by phone at 0461.282980.