International opportunities for students
Master's Program in Modern Social Analysis

Who can apply?

 1st year UniTrento students of the master's degree course in:

  • Sociology and Social Research
  • to have at least 45 ECTS within the master's degree course with an average of minimum 25/30

with a B2 English level
These requirements will be assessed when applying for the UniTrento call which is published every year. 

Please note that complete information and updates are to be checked on UniTrento call for applications and on the partner website. 

Why HSE?

HSE University leads the list of the TOP-100 Best Russian Universities 2020 according to the Forbes Ranking in Quality Assurance of Education & Alumni and University Prestige. HSE has 4 campuses including that of St. Petersburg. 
The School of Social Sciences and Area Studies offers students the most modern skills on socio-economic and political development of Russia and other nations and societies, bringing together academics from 4 Departments (Asian and African Studies, Public Administration, Political Science and Sociology) and 6 Research centers alternating courses with different formats with contemporary research methods and applied projects.

What is the added value?

In Italy and abroad, a double degree is always an added value. Not only the experts say it, you just have to browse through the job offers to realize that companies and organizations are looking for international and open-minded profiles, able to work in multicultural teams and to face ever new global challenges: these are the workers of the future.

What are the professional outlets?

The Master's Program in Modern Social Analysis was designed to meet the highest international standards in the sector. The teachers are internationally recognized scholars in many sub-fields of sociology, including transnational quantitative studies, urban ethnography, social network analysis and sociology of the arts and culture.
Thanks to its distinctly interdisciplinary nature, which combines sociology with mathematics and humanities, this program offers an excellent start for a successful career in an international university or company.

What are the requirements at the time of departure?

  • have obtained all credits of the 1st year
  • further assessment might be done by HSE at the moment of the application
  • documents needed: picture, identity document and bachelor's degree, Transcript of Records.
    Bachelor degree certificate and identity document are submitted with its notarized translation into Russian.

Visa and health insurance coverage are mandatory. All the above procedures and expenses are in charge of the student.

The requisites will be checked just before the mobility, between July and August.

How long does mobility abroad take?

1 or 2 semesters (30 or 60 credits)

Study plan

The study plan must be agreed and approved in advance by both academic supervisors.
A template is available in the downloads

In which language?

Courses are in English.

How does the conversion of grades take place?

The conversion takes place on the basis of the conversion table available in the downloads.


The thesis can be discussed either at UniTrento or at HSE under the supervision of one professor from each unievrsity. The discussion must take place in a unique joint session that will take place at the latest in the end of September. The language of the thesis work and discussion is English. More details in the section More.

Tuition fees

Students participating in the double degree program pay the tuition fees exclusively at UniTrento.

Educational qualification

At the end of the double degree course, students obtain two separate second cycle degree diplomas:

- from HSE: Master's degree in Modern Social Analysis 
- from UniTrento: Laurea magistrale in Sociology and Social Research