Who can apply?
1st year UniTrento students of the master's degree course in:
- Civil Engineering
with a A2 level in Spanish language an B2 of English language.
Please note that complete information and updates are to be checked on UniTrento call for applications and on the partner website.
Why UPV?
University with excellent results in the international and national rankings
- ARWU Ranking (Jiao Tong Shanghai University): best Polytechnic of Spain (400-500 range in the world)
- Times Higher Education: UPV among the best 150 universities in the world of less than 50 years
- "El Mundo" (Spanish newspaper): UPV among the 3 best universities for civil engineering in Spain
The campus is a small city within the city:
- mainly pedestrian, surrounded by greenery
- near the sea and close to the historic center (excellent connections by bus, tram and cycle paths)
- equipped with all services: technical libraries, supermarket, travel agency, medical center and pharmacy, sports facilities, copy shop, banks and ATMs, cafes and restaurants, canteens, etc.
Valencia is a city rich in history, traditions but full of innovation.
What is the added value?
In Italy and abroad, a double degree is always an added value. Not only the experts say it, you just have to browse through the job offers to realize that companies and organizations are looking for international and open-minded profiles, able to work in multicultural and face ever new global challenges: these are the engineers of the future.
What are the professional outlets?
With the diploma of Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos you will have direct access to the engineering profession both in Spain and in the Spanish-speaking Latin American countries.
What are the requirements at the time of departure?
- have obtained all the credits of the first year of master's degree
- weighted average of marks of at least 25/30
- Spanish A2 (recommended B1) and English B2 level
How long does mobility abroad take?
2 semesters (60 credits) that can be extended for one more sumester for thesis work.
Study plan
Students will follow the study plan illustrated in the downloads. Students are invited to attend an additional semester in order to meet any missing requirements and to carry out the final project (trabajo de fin de master / degree thesis) including the defense of the thesis.
The optional courses will be decided jointly between UniTrento and UPV.
In which language?
Most of the courses are taught in Spanish.
How does the conversion of grades take place?
The conversion takes place on the basis of the conversion table available in the downloads.
The thesis work (15 ECTS), in English, must be carried out under the supervision of teachers from both institutions and will be defended at UPV following the procedures valid for Spanish students.
The final exam grade is converted to thirtieths based on the conversion table in the downloads.
Tuition fees
Students participating in the double degree program pay the tuition fees exclusively at UniTrento.
Educational qualification
- Master's Degree in Civil Engineering from UniTrento
- Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos da ETSI