International opportunities for students
application/pdfErasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027(PDF | 471 KB)
application/pdfPartners' List(PDF | 58 KB)
application/pdfPartners GUIDE(PDF | 246 KB)
application/pdfDissemination Strategy ICM 2023.pdf(PDF | 760 KB)
application/pdfTravel Contribution(PDF | 141 KB)
Erasmus+ logos
Erasmus+ logos
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STUDENTS_incoming documentation
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application/pdfUniTrento info sheet(PDF | 426 KB)

The Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project coordinated by the University of Trento allows funded mobility of students and staff from and to the partner universities.

Partner Universities

Region 1 - Western Balkans
Albania - Polytechnic University of Tirana
Albania - Elbasan University
Bosnia-Erzegovina - University of Sarajevo
Kossovo - University of Pristina

Region 2 - Neighbourhood East    
Ukraine - National Aerospace University "Kharkiv Aviation Institute"
Ukraine - Lviv University

Region 3 - South Mediterranean Countries
Algeria - Université Abou Bekr Belkaid de Tlemcen
Algeria - University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene
Algeria - University of Batna 2
Algeria - Université de Annaba
Israele - Haifa University
Israele - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Israele - Tel Aviv University 
Tunisia - University of Tunis El Manar
Tunisia - University of Sousse
Tunisia - University of Carthage

Region 5 - Asia
Bangladesh - Asian University for Women
Cambodia - Royal University of Phnom Penh
India - Amrita University
Japan - Tokyo University
Japan - Nara Institute of Technology
Japan - Nagasaki University
Thailand - Burapha University
Thailand - Chulalongkorn University
Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
Vietnam - University of Science and Technology of Hanoi - VAST
Vietnam - Hanoi University of Science and Technology
Vietnam - Hanoi University
Vietnam - Duy Tan University

Region 8 - Pacific
Australia - Macquarie University
Australia - University of Melbourne
Australia - Southern Queensland

Region 9 - Sub-Saharan Africa
South Africa - Stellenbosch University

Region 10 - Latin America
Argentina - Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Open calls

Students and staff selection is made by the home university. If your university is partner in the project, look for open calls visiting your home university website or contacting your International Relations Office.

Grants available, duration and activities

In the frame of the Erasmus+ call 2023 UniTrento has been granted a total of 239 mobility grants to finance students and staff (both academic and administrative) mobility from and to partner universities that have signed with UniTrento the ER+ Inter-Institutional Agreement. 
The ER+ ICM contribution, funded by the European Commission, entails a monthly grant for students' long mobility and a daily grant for academic staff and students' short mobility plus a travel contribution.

Student grants

Long term mobility: Grants are meant to finance a mobility period for study or/and thesis research purposes for Ba, Ma and PhD students for a period of up to 5 months, 11 months for those partners who have a Double Degree Agreement with UniTrento. The minimum stay is 2 months.
The grant amount is equal to 850 euro/month plus a top-up for fewer opportunities participants (if applicable, See 'inclusion' section for more information) plus travel contribution lump sum (see the table in the download box).

Short term mobility: mobility of 5-30 days for PhD, or blendend mobility for students, for a period of 5-30 days - usually 14 days for short programmes.
The grant is equal to 79 euro/day for the first 14 days euro (56 euros from the 15th day of stay), a top-up for fewer opportunities participants (if applicable, See 'inclusion' section for more information) plus the travel contribution lump sum (see the table in the download box). 

Staff grants

Faculty mobility has to be for teaching, training or a combination of both. Grants are intended to support a mobility period of 10 days (including travel), during which the faculty member is expected to deliver 10 hours of teaching (or 5 hours for mixed mobility) at the host institution.
Administrative staff mobility is meant for training purposes. Grants are meant to finance a mobility period of 7 days (travel included), entailing 5 days of stay at the hosting Institution.
The minimum stay for both, academic and adnìministrative staff, is 5 days.
The grant amount is equal to 160 euro/day for incoming staff, 180 euro/day for outgoing staff, plus travel contribution (see the table in the download box).

Travel contribution: is paid according to the distance between the home and host university, in case of departure from a different place UniTrento offices must be informed. Please see the travel distance table in the download box for details. Each participant (except for those nominated as "fewer opportunities", should organise his/her travel indipendently.
You are strongly encouraged to plan a GREEN TRIP, i.e. to use low-impact means of transport such as train or bus. If you are able to do most of your travel in GREEN mode, you will be eligible to a higher travel contribution and up to 6 funded days for travel.

Grant payment 


For long-term mobility, grant will be paid in 2 installments:

  • first-month grant (850 €) will be available cash upon arrival in Trento for pick up at the Bank according to the instruction sent by the international office,
  • The rest of the grant alongside with any to-up due and the travel contribution will be paid onto the student's SEPA bank account

For short-term mobility, 100% of the grant together with any top-up due and the travel contribution, will be paid before the mobility starts.


Grants will be paid before the mobility starts onto the mobile staff personal bank account, together with the travel contribution.

Mobility period and nomination/application deadlines


Students coming for courses attendance must be nominated within these deadlines: 

Semester 1 - a.y. 2023/24 fall term SEPTEMBER 2023 - FEBRUARY 2024:
Nomination by May 15th 2023 - Application by May 30th 2023

Semester 2 - a.y. 2023/24 spring term FEBRUARY 2024 - JULY 2024: 
Nomination by October 15th 2023 - Application by October 30th 2023

Semester 3 - a.y.  2024/25 fall term SEPTEMBER 2024 - FEBRUARY 2025:
Nomination by May 15th 2024 - Application by May 30th 2024

Semester 4 - a.y.  2024/25 spring term FEBRUARY 2025 - JULY 2025:
Nomination by October 15th 2024 - Application by October 30th 2024

Semester 5 - a.y.  2025/26 fall term SEPTEMBER 2025 - FEBRUARY 2026:
Nomination by May 15th 2025 - Application by May 30th 2025

Semester 6 - a.y.  2025/26 spring term: FEBRUARY 2026 - JULY 2026:
Nomination by October 15th 2025 - Application by October 30th 2025

Students coming for research purposes and for short-term mobility have to be nominated at least 3 months before their arrival, after having checked in the experts webpage that the area of interest is covered in UniTrento.

Faculty mobility can take place anytime based on the arrangements made between faculties of the partner universities and upon approval of the respective international offices. Nomination should preferably be given with a 3-months notice to allow a proper organization. 

Administrative staff mobility should be arranged with the international offices of the sending and receiving university and it is mainly addressed to International Offices staff for participation in UniTrento International Staff Weeks. 

All nominations for mobility to UniTrento must be submitted using the online nomination tool provided to the International Office representative of the home university, respecting the deadline indicated above. Partner Institutions are kindly asked to include the Declaration of the Sending Institution (see the download box) stating that the selected participant has undergone a fair and transparent selection and possibly the Selection documents.

Students and staff selection 

The partner sending institutions are responsible for selecting their outgoing students through a fair and transparent process, in accordance with the principles outlined in the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education awarded to UniTrento. Student must apply at their home university in accordance with timing and procedures established by the sending institution. 

Academic staff can either undergo a formal selection or call, or be directly nominated as the referent of the agreement.  The nominated faculty must have agreed upon a teaching project of at least 10 hours, a training one, or a mixture of both, with an UniTrento faculty of the same academic area. 

Full transparency in the dissemination and selection process must be proved by partners, that are asked to send to UniTrento all formal documents relating to the students' selection (emails, screenshots of websites, posters etc). The Declaration of sending institution (see download box at the bottom right of the page) is to be filled out for each mobility participant and attached to the nomination.

Project documentation

Before the mobility starts,

1. students will have to draft their Learning Agreement, while staff will have to fill out their Mobility Agreement (templates available in the download box), signed by both universities;
2. each mobility participant will have to sign with UniTrento a grant agreement with UniTrento to allow the payment of the grant.

Support to mobility participants

Incoming students and staff will be fully supported in the organization of their mobility to Trento by the Mobility/International office and will have access to the same services offered to UniTrento students and staff. 

Students will be granted accommodation On campus (up to availability and only for long-term mobility) or informed in how to find one.
Staff can book one of the university flat, depending on availability. Please contact UniTrento International Relations Divison (international [at] in due time for more information.

For more information about services see the Services and Facilities and the Why Trento  web pages.

After Mobility: recognition and credit transfer for mobile students

The core of the Erasmus+ program being the recognition by the home university of the academic experience abroad as counting towards the degree, and as foreseen in the learning agreement signed before mobility, all students returned from ICM exchange mobility will have to show that the examinations taken or research carried out at UniTrento have been recognized at the home university. Within 2 months from their return, students will have to send to UniTrento the home university transcript of records proving the credit transfer.

In case there is no official recognition in the transcript of records, partner universities are required to fill out the "Credit transfer declaration" document (available in the download box) and send it to UniTrento International Office asap. 

Erasmus+ visibility

All activities organized in the frame of Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (students' selection calls, emails of dissemination, teaching material, and so on) must clearly show the ER+ logo (available in the download box).

Dissemination and information activities will be carried out by partners universities as agreed within the partnership Guide for dissemination (available in the download box).


The inclusion in the international mobility experience of the participants with fewer opportunities is encouraged and supported with:     

  • a top up of 250 €/per month (long mobility) or 100€ for the whole period (mobility up to 14 days)/ 150€ for the whole period (mobility > 14 days);  
  • a ticket bought before by UniTrento through its travel agent (contact international [at] for further info);
  • the support of the offices in charge before and during the arrival of the participants.

UniTrento ICM partnership has an inclusive approach and has developed plans to promote diversity, equity and initiatives to enhance differences and prevent discriminatory phenomena .UniTrento has launched the campaign #finiscequi against discrimination and against harassment with some powerful phrases, but also launched them bottom-up.The partnership will commit itself to launch a tailor-made international campaign against discrimination and harassment that each Country feels like its own.

"He said that I am doing quite well with numbers... for being a woman".


UniTrento encourages the students to adopt a responsible behavior towards the environment around us. We highly recommend, if you have the chance, to choose an eco-friendlier transport on your way yo UniTrento (using for example the train). Opting for the green travel you will receive up to 6 days of additional individual support to cover travel days for a return trip.

Once you arrive in Trento, we invite you to reduce your environmental impact. Check out our green guide where you will be able to write, in the shared padlet, your own suggestions. And do not forget to visit the university page dedicated to a sustainable international mobility!