What is BEA? A specialized education in Economics
The Master Degree (laurea Magistrale) in Behavioural and Applied Economics (BEA) provides solid education in Economics with the possibility to develop advanced competences in Behavioural and Applied Economics: combining Behavioural and Applied Economics in one single path, is a unique opportunity to:
- acquire empirical analysis tools integrated with skills in using large data sets in order to perform deep studies in a broad area of economics, from industrial organization to labour economics, public policy evaluation programs, data analytics and big data.
- improve the predictive power of economic models by incorporating insights from psychology. Predictable deviations from rationality benchmarks (biases) are organized into theories that provide a better account of human behavior.
In this way, graduates are fully armed with the necessary background to carry out rigorous economic analysis in questions of interest for policy, business and decision making.
Within this programme, theory and empirical methods are constantly engaged in a mutual dialogue and each teaching activity provides both aspects. Through this special learning, BEA students have the chance to apply their knowledges to the reality and develop, inter alia, communications skills and independent assessing.
These skills are further strengthened through external activities, such as training placements or visiting periods in worldwide partner universities.
Key information
- Degree awarded: Laurea magistrale (second cycle) in Behavioural and Applied Economics (LM-56)
- Program begins: end of August
- Duration: 2 years full-time
- Teaching language: English
- Admission is based on a selection procedure
- Application: How to apply
- Educational offer: Courses
- Tuition fees for Non-Eu citizens living abroad: up to 4.500 € per year. The yearly amount can be reduced according to the application score.
- Tuition fees for Eu citizens and Non-Eu currently living in Italy: up to 3.400€ per year for EU, that can be reduced according to the student's household income (ISEE)
- Scholarships available both for Non-Eu and Eu applicants
- Competencies and Job opportunities
- Services and Facilities: Housing at Opera Universitaria dorms, UniSport, canteens, study rooms, library, intercultural mediation
- Contacts: bea [at] unitn.it
- Other opportunities: Internships in Italy and abroad, International mobility exchange (Erasmus, Bilateral Agreements, Double Degree, Thesis research abroad,...)