International opportunities for students

The Selection Committee for the Master's degree programme in Management and Industrial Systems Engineering  will be nominated by the Rector of the University of Trento and composed by three members of the faculty of the Department of Industrial Engineering.

The Selection Committee will shortlist the eligible applicants taking into account the following criteria:

  1. academic curriculum (assigning up to 60 points);
  2. coherence between applicants previous studies and academic objectives of the Master's degree programme (assigning up to 30 points)
  3. higher English language level (assigning up to 10 points).

Applicants might be invited to interview (in person or via Conference call), only if the Selection Committee requires to collect further information on applicants' academic skills and personal competencies.

The applicants will be considered eligible with a score of at least 50 out of 100 points. In a tie-breaker situation the Selection Committee will give priority to younger applicants.