The Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility project coordinated by the University of Trento allows funded mobility of students and faculty from the partner universities.
The 2019 Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility was approved for a total of EUR 1.159.865,00 and 232 mobility: 148 incoming students, 65 incoming staff and 19 outgoing staff. The project ended on July 31st, 2022.
- Albania, Polytechnic University of Tirana
- Algeria, University Batna 2
- Algeria, Université de Annaba
- Algeria, University of Tlemcen
- Algeria, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene
- Argentina, National University of Cuyo
- Bangladesh, Asian University for Women
- Cambodia, Royal University of Phnom Penh
- India, Amrita University - Coimbatore
- Israel, Haifa University
- Israel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Japan, Nagasaki University
- Japan, Nara Institute of Technology
- Japan, Tokyo University
- Russian Federation, North-Caucasus Federal University
- Russian Federation, Tomsk polytechnic University
- Russian Federation, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
- Russian Federation, Ural State University of Economics
- Thailand, Burapha University
- Thailand, Chulalongkorn University
- Tunisia, University of Carthage
- Tunisia, Université de Tunis El Manar
- Tunisia, University of Sousse
- Ukraine, National Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation Institute
- Vietnam, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
- Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology
- Vietnam, University of Science and Technology of Hanoi - Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
- Vietnam, Hanoi University
UniTrento used the 86,39% of the approved budget corresponding to EUR 1.002.019,09 supporting: student mobility for a duration of 5 months for course attendance and 3-5 months for thesis/PhD research and staff mobility for an average duration of 7-8 days.
Due to the Covid-19 Emergency that affected the project implementation and the persistent closures in some of the Partners' Country, such as Cambodia and Argentina, mobility with some partners could not be realised.
“I am fortunate to participate in the Erasmus ICM Programme University of Trento, and the experience was amazing. The infrastructure and the support provided by the University of Trento were excellent. It was great international exposure and helped me to grow my confidence. Studying at an international university has strengthened me professionally and personally. Trento is a beautiful town in northern Italy with loving and friendly people; it makes us feel like our home country. I met many students from different countries, which helped me understand various cultures and could establish great connections with them.” Jyotsna Chandrasekharan, an Industrial Engineering PhD student, Spring Semester 2022, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham - India
"Spending a term as an Erasmus student in the University of Trento gave me an incredible opportunity to immerse myself deep in the life of multinational student community, benefit from new experiences and gain fresh insights into studying abroad. Although a recent outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic struck Italy heavily, it didn't stop university professors and stuff from providing excellent education services and creating an outstanding distance learning system. Flexible schedules and an opportunity to choose subjects which are not available at my home university were great benefits, as well. Besides, living in the heart of the Dolomites and seeing its amazing nature every day just around you can inspire and encourage anyone to overcome any difficulties. So, if you have an excellent academic performance and an English assessment test is the only obstacle between you and studying in Trento, you should definitely take your chance and try." Valeriia Hladchenko, Master Student, Spring Semester 2020, KhAi- National Aerospace University - Ukraine
More experiences and testimonials of the ER+ICM projects available at the Testimonials webpage.
Staff events
UniTrento International Staff week 2022, (12-17 June 2022): Workshops and sessions on Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility KA107; best practices and challenges of management; dissemination activities; Soft Skills and Global Competences and priorities and novelties of new programme Erasmus+ 21-27 with a special focus on green and inclusion.
UniTrento International Staff Week 2020 was cancelled due to Covid-19 Emergency.
UniTrento staff Partner Days 2019, (21-25 October 2019): Sessions on Double Degrees and opportunities for sharing best practices and training staff skills in a stimulating context, as well as promoting mobility among partners.
Workshops and Seminars
During the project a large number of seminars have been held in presence and online allowing a wide public of students from all the partner universities benefit from an innovative teaching. Among all:
Burapha University (Thailand) CRMCS and UniTrento (Italy) DiPSCo, Joint Online Workshop on Blending theories and techniques in brain imaging: some examples from ongoing studies, February 1st 2021 - More than 400 participants from 5 partner universities.
Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan) - professor Kato Hirokazu, Seminar on Fundamentals and future possibility of Augmented Reality, November 26th 2021, with the cooperation of MiroLab - More than 140 participants among Master and PhD students, academic staff and public Institutions' representatives.
Other events
Sustainabililty: UniTrento Welcome and Social Events was focused on raising awareness among participants on the importance of adopting sustainable behaviours to reduce impact on the host city (Flyers available in the download box). Er+ ICM participants took part to:
- Visits to the section of Rovereto Museum dedicated to climate change and to the laboratory “Your dinner matters!” in which they could learn, through a practical activity, how the food chosen influences the environment.
- Sustainable sports events to learn how to reduce the impact on the environment also during free time choosing sustainable activities.
Many posts, article and publications have given visibility to the project activities. Each month all the participants and staff received a Newsletter with the main news and events about the project and, from the ISW 2022, during which the partnership has worked on the dissemination guide, a section called Storytelling...., with stories about ICM participants. Two of them are available in the download box.
1. Evaluation by participants: the Erasmus+ ICM experience has been positively valued by both students and staff grantees. Everyone agreed on the added value that this project brought about in their lives reporting an improvement in the following fields
problem-solving skills - 94 %
multicultural acceptance - 91%
capacity to adapt and act in new situations - 97%
ability to cooperate with people from other backgrounds and cultures - 96%
curiosity and open mindedness - 95%
social, linguistic, and cultural competences - 93%
internationalisation at home - 66%
2. The ER+ experience enabled UniTrento to enrich its collaboration areas also with the presentation of new projects in the Horizon 2020 and Eramsus+ KA2 and EMJMD.
3. Two new double degree programmes are setting up in partnership with the University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia.
4. Amrita University (India): as a result of the fruitful collaboration, professor Donelli and professor Zolezzi has been nominated Adjunct Faculty at the partner Institution (see the download box for any further detail)
5. Royal University of Phnom Penh (Cambodia), A new experimental psychology laboratory has been set up and students and staff have been trained to use it thanks to the donation of a local foundation and to the activities carried out by UniTrento technical and academic staff within the project. More information in the Story Telling in the download box.
6. Inclusion: 16 students with fewer opportunities due to Economic obstacles, Educational difficulties, Geographical and Social obstacles or Refugees, took part to the mobility taking advantage to the economic aid (flight ticket bought in advance) of UniTrento and the support of the competent offices. All the mobility had a very positive feedback and were defined as life-changing experiences.
7. Sense of belonging: a number of initiatives among which the online meetings among former, active and future participants, the UniTrento ICM LinkedIn and Telegram groups, the other online tools for sharing contacts and exeriences (Padlet, maps, ...) have increased the participation to UniTrento ICM Network improving the sense of being part of a big "family of participants": The participants felt that they are one family containing members from all the world. (prof. B. Souissi, USTHB - Algeria).