International opportunities for students

The Selection Committee for the Master's degree programme in Physics will be nominated by the Rector of the University of Trento and composed by three members of the faculty of the Department of Physics.

The Selection Committee will shortlist the eligible applicants taking into account the following criteria:

(max. 60 points):

a .Coherence between the candidate's previous studies and the objectives of the Master's Degree in Physics;

b. Curriculum studiorum (performance and results obtained in previous studies, post-graduate courses if any, extra academic activities, language certifications if higher than the minimum requested);

c. Statement of purpose - max 1 page length;

(max. 40 points)

 d.  Interview

Candidates will be admitted to the interview if they score no less than 25 points in the evaluations of point a). Candidates who scored less than 25 points are automatically declared unsuitable.

Candidates who do not attend the interview will also be automatically excluded.

The applicants will be considered eligible with a score of at least 50 out of 100 points. In a tie-breaker situation the Selection Committee will give priority to younger applicants.