Academic requirements
The necessary academic requirements to enter the Master are:
a) holding a bachelor degree title obtained in Italy according to law "DM 270/04" classes L-7, L-8 and L-9 or a degree title obtained according to law "DM 509/99" classes 8, 9 and 10
holding a bachelor degree title in the broad classes of Industrial Engineering or Civil and Environmental Engineering or closely related scientific disciplines obtained abroad and considered as equivalent
Students who do not hold the degree at the time of application may apply provided they will obtain the degree (expected graduation date to be declared in the online application):
- by 30 June 2025 if Non-Europeans
- by 31 October 2025 if Europeans and Equivalent
b) having some documented background in the following scientific areas. See the call for admission or the table in the Download box for more details:
- Mathematics
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Thermodynamics and heat transfer
- Electrotechnics
- Fluid mechanics
- Materials Science
- Technologies and production systems
- Mechanics of structures
- Fluid machines
c) The minimum average grade in the bachelor (not including the final exam) is 22/30 (Italian system); for candidates holding a degree obtained in Italy, the grade "30/30 e lode" (thirty with honours) will be computed as 31/30 (thirty-one / thirty) towards the calculation of the overall average
In case of foreign qualifications, the evaluation of the curricular requirements is made by the Selection Committee that will assess the equivalence between the contents of the courses attended in previous careers and the subject areas listed in the master's degree regulation.
Language requirements
To access the MSc program, students must certify English language skills at level B2 (Common European Framework of Reference).
Language proficiency can be proved as follows:
a) holding secondary school leaving qualifications (A-levels, Abitur, Maturità , etc) where the main teaching language of the final year was English (evaluated as level C1);
b) holding an undergraduate or postgraduate degree where the medium of instruction was English (evaluated as level C1);
c) submitting an internationally regognised language certification (among those accepted by the university); see accepted certificates
d) having passed a language examination at the level required during the previous university career, provided all four linguistic abilities were tested;
e) only for European and Equivalent citizens: having passed a language test organised by the Language Centres of the University of Trento or Bolzano (CLA) within the deadline for enrolment (to enrol see "How to prove language proficiency" page)