International opportunities for students
T.I.M.E. Double Degree

Which courses?

You can apply to the Double Degree Programme with UniTrento for the following master's degree courses:

What is the added value?

In Italy and abroad, a double degree is always an added value. Not only the experts say it, you just have to browse through the job offers to realize that companies and organizations are looking for international and open-minded profiles, able to work in multicultural teams and to face ever new global challenges: these are the engineers of the future.

How long is the mobility?

The mobility lasts at least 3 semesters. The DDP is intended to provide an opportunity not only to integrate the academic education of UniTrento and IST, but to provide an additional element of professional training.  
The studies leading to the Double Degree will total 180 ECTS including the final thesis. The whole duration of the Programme is usually three years.

Specific requirements and study plan

UniTrento will admit, as regular student, students from IST who:
  • have completed 60 ECTS at IST
  • have proven their sufficient motivation and adequate language skills (Italian A2 or Italian B2 or English B2 according to the language in which the study course is taught - see paragraph "In which language")

In which language?

  • Civil Engineering is completely taught in Italian and an A2 level of Italian is needed before reaching UniTrento. 
    In case the level cannot be certified before the mobility, you have to take an A2 Italian exam by the end of your mobility at UniTrento (Italian courses are provided by UniTrento Linguistic Centre (CLA) without any charge up to the level required (see Useful links for all language courses provided). However, it is strongly recommended that students arrive in Trento with at least basic Italian knowledge.
The following study programs are completely taught in English and a B2 level of English is needed before reaching UniTrento:
  • Materials Engineering  
  • Mechatronics Engineering   
  • Environmental Engineering (mostly in English, some courses in one of the available tracks are in Italian)


The final thesis shall be co-supervised by professors of both Institutions and is normally defended at UniTrento.
It shall be carried out according to the degree course regulations and the thesis Committee preferably includes a member from the partner Institution.

Tuition fees

Students participating in the double degree program pay the tuition fees exclusively at IST except for 3 revenue stamps of 16 euros each.

Educational qualification

At the end of the double degree course, students obtain two separate second cycle degree diplomas:
  • Master's Degree in "Ingegneria Civile" or in "Ingegneria per l'Ambiente e il Territorio" or in "Materials Engineering" or in "Mechatronics Engineering", by UniTrento;
  • Mestrado by IST.