What is the Cultural Sociology Degree?
The mobility semester at UniTrento is within the Master's course in Sociology and Social Research (Laurea Magistrale LM-88), Department of Sociology and Social Research
Who can apply?
- are enrolled in the Joint Master Programme in Kultursoziologie at Karls-Franzens-Universität Graz or in the Master in Cultural Sociology at Masaryk University or in the double major master degree in Sociology/ single major master degree in Cultural Sociology at the University of Zadar;
- have proven your sufficient motivation and English language skills (level B2 of the Common European Framework).
Mobility scheme
The following mobility scheme is possible:
the first 60 credits are completed at the university of origin ("entry university")
at least 30 credits at the Karls-Franzens-Universität Graz or at UniTrento (both "degree awarding institutions")
the remaining 30 ECTS credits can be made in one of the following locations:
at the home university;
at the Karls-Franzens-Universität Graz or UniTrento, also by extending the mobility for a double degree by one semester;
at Masaryk University or at the University of Zadar (Croatia), without the issuing of the local degree but with a final certificate attesting that mobility has taken place.
The mobility lasts 1 or 2 semesters. It is highly recommended to spend 2 semesters at UniTrento so as to have a full experience.
Specific requirements and study plan
By the end of your mobility at UniTrento you are required to obtain at least 30 (ECTS) if you decide to stay 1 semester, or you can decide to spend 2 semesters and do the work thesis and discussion at UniTrento
In which language?
​Courses are in English
- the final thesis shall be co-supervised by professors of both Institutions and written and defended where you spend the second year of studies
- it shall be carried out according to the degree course regulations of the Institution where the thesis is to be defended
- the thesis Committee includes a member from the partner Institution
Tuition fees and scholarship
Students participating in the double degree program pay the tuition fees exclusively at their home university except for 3 revenue stamps of 16 euros each.
Educational qualification
- a Master's Degree in Sociology and Social Research (Laurea Magistrale LM-88), from UniTrento (Dept. of Sociology and Social Research), normally awarded in 2 years - 120 ECTS
- a Master's Degree at the home university