Travelling with family
You have two options in order to have your husband/wife and child/children under 14 years old stay in Italy with you, provided your stay is of 1 year at least in case both of family reunion and family cohesion and you fulfil economic and housing requisites.
In both cases you have to:
- prove that your family income (scholarship/grant or work income, no savings) is at least of euro 5.953,87/year + the half of this amount/year for each family member you are going to invite;
- find private housing since the housing contract must be registered at Agenzia delle Entrate. The housing must have been declared suitable according to the local rules: 2 pers. min45 sqmt and 1bedroom ; 3 pers. min 55 sqmt and 2 bedrooms; 4pers. min 60 sqmt and 2 bedrooms). The dimensions are meant as net floor area.
CASE 1: Letting them come together with you with a tourist visa (If the Embassy allows) or with no visa if your country is waived and then, once in Trento they apply for "family cohesion".
CASE 2: You coming first, then asking for the "nulla osta" (authorization, 3 months are needed) and letting them arrive with a family reunion visa.
Travelling with your child only
Either the Embassy issues a "familiari al seguito" visa, or he/she comes with a tourist visa or with no visa if your country is waived and once in Trento you inscribe him/her on your stay permit. The application must be done through Post Office for both of you.
Needed documents:
- the certificate of birth of your child officially translated into Italian and legalized by the competent Authority in your country; legalization or Aja Apostille must be both on the original version and on the translated version;
- declaration of consent from the spouse that he/she allows the child to travel with you. This declaration of consent also has to be officially translated into Italian and stamped by the General Consulate in your country.
Please make sure you have these documents ready before you leave
- house owner's consent (S1 form below);
- the documentation needed for "family cohesion" (private housing contract, economic guarantee, etc. see Cinformi document "Scheda Cinformi per coesione familiare");
If your child is born in Italy
See the document Cinformi "Iscrizione sul permesso di soggiorno di figlio nato in Italia"
Stay permit
N.B.: the reference institution for all family issues is the Provincial Immigration Informative Center Cinformi which will give you all the information to activate the procedure once you are in Trento and you have obtained the necessary documentation. Please notice that the link is in Italian.
Travelling with family
You have two options in order to have your husband/wife and child/children under 14 years old stay in Italy with you.
In both cases you have to:
- prove that you have enough money to support;
- find private housing.
CASE 1: Family cohesion
The family cohesion procedure is applied when you choose to arrive to Trento together with your family using either a tourist visa or no visa if your country is waived.
For this first option it is COMPULSORY to submit the documentation listed in the guidelines for family cohesion (see the download box of this page - N.B.: the guidelines are not exhaustive, please double-check the requirements with Cinformi). In particular, before arriving to Trento prepare:
- your marriage certificate OFFICIALLY translated into Italian AND legalized
- the birth certificates of your children OFFICIALLY translated into Italian AND legalized
Official translations are made in the Italian Embassies or by authorized translators.
The legalization can be done by the Italian Embassies or, if your home country has signed the Hague Agreement, with the "Apostille" stamp applied by the competent Ministry of your country both on the original and on the translation into Italian.
CASE 2: Family reunion
In this case, you come first and ask for a "nulla osta" (authorization) from Questura and Commissariato del Governo (3 months at least are needed). After this procedure your family can get to Trento with a reunion visa.
- you husband/wife is immediately covered by health insurance and can immediately work;
- your family can immediately register to the Town Hall in Trento and have access to public services available such as public school or day care for children.
- you do not travel together and the whole process requires from 3 to 6 months;
- application of nulla osta has to be done on-line to Internal Affairs Ministry at the Cinformi office;
- application of stay permit for family reasons has to be done at Commissariato del Governo.
See in the "Guidelines for family reunion" the list of needed documents and requisites to fulfil (available in the download box - N.B.: the guidelines are not exhaustive, please double-check the requirements with Cinformi).
PLEASE NOTE: for the application of nulla osta you need to have the "residenza" in Trento (application possible only 2 months after your arrival).
Travelling with your child only
In this case you have two options:
- Ask the Embassy to issue a "familiari al seguito" visa;
- Ask the Embassy to issue a tourist visa for your child (no visa is required if your country is waived) and once in Trento you inscribe your child on your stay permit. The application for the stay permit must be done through Post Office for both of you.
Needed documents:
- the certificate of birth of your child officially translated into Italian and legalized (either by the Italian Embassy or, if your country has signed the Hague Agreement, with an "Apostille" stamp applied by the competent institution of your country both on the original document and its translation);
- declaration of consent from the spouse that he/she allows the child to travel with you. This declaration of consent also has to be officially translated into Italian and stamped by the General Consulate in your country.
Please make sure you have these documents ready before you leave
- house owner's consent (S1 form available in the download box);
- the documentation needed for "family cohesion" (see the download box for more information).
If your child is born in Italy
See the document Cinformi "Rilascio permesso minore nato in Italia - Aggiornamento permesso del genitore".