The Master of Science in Information and Communication Engineering consists of 120 ECTS. It provides students with 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits. All students are required to attend both compulsory and free-choice specialization courses. The number of credits related to each course may range between 3 and 12, depending on the number of academic hours of the course itself. The dissertation and the final exam will confer some additional credits. The study plan can also include exams taken in other European Universities within the framework of Erasmus+ international mobility programme. Students may join this programme without any increase in fees. The period spent abroad can last from three to twelve months.
Educational offer is here available.
Course details (learning objectives, contents, prerequisites, textbooks and etc.) con be found here.
The program starts every year in September. The academic year is divided into two semesters: autumn semester (from September to January) and spring semester (from February to June). The periods between semesters are dedicated to examinations and holidays. For the academic calendar:
To learn more about course organization please visit:
For the list of elective courses please check the prospectus (Didactic Offer/Manifesto degli Studi)
Length of Studies: 2 years full-time, starting in September.
Language: All courses are taught in English.
Awarded degree: Upon the successful completion of the curriculum and fulfillment of the Master's course requirements (120 ECTS), students will be awarded a degree: Master of Science in Information and Communication Engineering (in Italian - Laurea Magistrale in Informatica).
CREDITS required to complete the Master's degree programme in Information and Communication Engineering: 120 ECTS
Notes: according to the Sorbonne (1988) and the Bologna (1999) declarations university-level study programmes in the European Higher Education Area are structured in university credits (ECTS). A university credit corresponds to 25 hours of student workload, time for personal preparation included. The annual average of workload for a full-time student is conventionally fixed at 60 credits.