The EIT Digital Master Program at UniTrento is a 2-years Master course founded on technical major basis together with a Innovation & Entrepreneurship minor (30 ECTS). EIT Digital program is held in a consortium of European top universities and lead together with business partners to provide on a double-degree program both technical excellence and hands-on experience.
EIT Digital Master School students will gain the state of the art technical knowledge and achieve the abilities needed to drive their innovative and entrepreneurial ideas to the market. The programme is strongly focused on the acquisition of transferable skills, especially on innovation and entrepreneurship.
The program involves a mandatory 2-years mobility, the first year in a entry university and the second one in an exit university. It also includes a mandatory Summer School held in one of the EIT nodes in Europe. At the end of the program a Master degree will be awarded by both universities involved in the mobility scheme. Moreover EIT students will receive an "EIT label" certificate, which aims at attesting the Innovation & Entrepreneurship skills gained during the program.
The University of Trento is currently helding sevenĀ EIT technical majors either as an entry and exit point or as an exit only.